After the long stretches of class time you spent in high school and possibly community college learning about the writing process, you may be less than thrilled at the idea of taking another course teaching the ins and outs of writing. For many college students, a College Composition course is a common and mandatory part of first year curriculum. However, just because it’s common doesn’t mean everyone is receptive to taking the course.
What can you do in this instance? It’s worth noting that you have options if you aren’t up for taking a College Composition course and want to free up that slot for a different class. Your first and most important option is the CLEP College Composition exam.
The CLEP is meant to evaluate your knowledge of a first-year college course subject of your choosing. Should you earn a passing score, you will earn full credit for the course and without having to take it, enabling you to devote that time slot to a class you want to take.
The CLEP College Composition exam comes in two halves: one essay question and 95 multiple choice questions, the former of which you can choose whether or not to answer. Because this exam is a bit more extensive than the others, it may be worth your while to develop a thorough study plan so you can earn the best possible score. To help you as you study, Mometrix Test Preparation has developed a CLEP College Composition practice test.
This free study tool includes CLEP College Composition practice questions covering every subject you will need to know for the real exam, including:
- Rhetorical Analysis (25 percent)
- Conventions of Standard Written English (10 percent)
- Ability to Use Source Materials (25 percent)
- Revision Skills (40 percent)
We hope this practice test will aid you as you prepare for this exam. For best results, we encourage you to use it alongside our companion CLEP College Composition study guide.
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