CSCS Practice Questions

1. Which of the following identifies the layer of connective tissue enveloping a single muscle fiber?
  1. Endomysium 
  2. Perimysium 
  3. Epimysium 
  4. Myomysium
2. Which of the following is the first phase of Periodization training?
  1. Power phase 
  2. Hypertrophy phase 
  3. Strength phase 
  4. Plan phase
3. Which of the following lever classes has the fulcrum at one end and the effort is applied between the fulcrum and the load?
  1. Class I Lever 
  2. Class II Lever 
  3. Class III Lever 
  4. Class IV Lever
4. The A-band is comprised of __ myosin filaments.
  1. 6
5. In a myofibril, in cross section ___ actins can interact with each myosin.
  1. 6
6. Which of the following is an example of a penniform muscle?
  1. Transversus Abdominis 
  2. Abductor Longus 
  3. Supraspinatus 
  4. Peroneus Tertius
7. Which of the following is an example of a hinge joint?
  1. Elbow 
  2. Shoulder 
  3. Hip 
  4. Atlas and Axis
8. Which of the following is the correct formula for calculating target heart rate?
  1. Target heart-rate = % intensity X heart-rate reserve + resting heart-rate 
  2. Target heart-rate = % intensity X heart-rate reserve – base heart rate + resting heart-rate 
  3. Target heart-rate = % intensity X heart-rate + resting heart-rate 
  4. Target heart-rate = % intensity X heart-rate – resting heart-rate
9. Which of the following is not a fitness misconception?
  1. Excessive sweating means that you are out of shape. 
  2. Drinking water during exercise gives an individual cramps. 
  3. If an individual stops exercising, muscle will turn to fat. 
  4. Working out requires extra energy.
10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of using growth hormone?
  1. Induces precursor cells to differentiate 
  2. Causes secretion of insulin-like growth factor I 
  3. Directly stimulates ATP production 
  4. Stimulates protein synthesis
11. How many amino acids must be found in your diet and cannot be manufactured by your own body?
  1. 11
12. Which of the following is not a byproduct of protein breakdown?
  1. Nitrogen 
  2. Hydrogen 
  3. Uric acid 
  4. Enzymes
13. Which of the following is not a byproduct of overtraining?
  1. Imbalance between exercise and recovery 
  2. Training exceeds physiological and psychological capacity of individual 
  3. Can have negative effect on strength training 
  4. Always results in injury or illness
14. Which of the following is not true about isometric exercise?
  1. Capable of increasing muscle strength at specific joint angles 
  2. No corresponding increase at other joint angles 
  3. Always produce spikes in systolic blood pressure 
  4. Could cause life-threatening cardiovascular accident


Answer Key 

1. A 
2. B 
3. C 
4. A 
5. D 
6. A 
7. A 
8. A 
9. D 
10. C 
11. C 
12. D 
13. D 
14. C