TExES English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 (231) Practice Test

Earning your teaching certificate comes with years’ worth of studying to gain the proper credentials. The goal of this test is to ensure every incoming teacher planning to work in the state of Texas possesses the skills and knowledge required to thoroughly meet the educational needs of their future students.

What Is the Format of the TExES Exam?

Each TExES exam is offered via computer. The test will feature 102 questions. Two of them are essentially essay questions, officially categorized as “constructed response.” The remaining 100 questions are all multiple choice format.

Is the TExES Exam Timed?

Yes, this test is timed. Test takers will receive approximately five (5) hours to finish the exam. Four hours, 45 minutes of testing time will be devoted to actually taking the exam itself. The first 15 minutes will cater to reviewing and consenting to the exam’s compliance protocols and completing a tutorial for the test’s digital format.

What Topics Will This Exam Cover?

The English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 test splits off into four distinct subjects, formally known as “domains.” Each of them will cater to the skills aspiring English teachers will need to adequately lead a classroom. These skills will be presented as “standards” teachers must understand and follow. The four domains featured on this exam include:

  • Oral Communication and Media Literacy is one of the test’s smaller domains, with only 15 percent of the exam’s questions falling under it. All questions under this domain deal with standards I and VIII through IX. These domains focus on creating and understanding the ways media and images communicate ideas; how to intently and clearly convey one’s thoughts orally; and how test takers must approach targeting their curriculum in a well-rounded way that universally meets students’ educational needs.
  • Integrated Language Arts, Diverse Learners and the Study of English also takes up approximately 15 percent of the test. It addresses standards I and VII, which cover how students come to comprehend the formation of English as a language; and ensuring one’s students receive a well-rounded curriculum that matches their needs.
  • The Written Communication domain accounts for 30 percent of the test. Its standards are I and V through VI. These standards pertain to the proper ways to convey one’s thoughts through writing; how to offer writing-based curriculum to students that thoroughly and continually hones their skills; and how to create a balanced curriculum over all.
  • Literature, Reading Processes and Skills for Reading Literary and Nonliterary Texts is the largest domain featured on the exam. 40 percent of the exam questions fall under this category. Its standards are I through IV, which address exposing students to all types of written works; how to teach critical reading on multiple levels; and composing an even-handed curriculum for one’s classroom.

How Will the Exam Be Scored?

Test takers must earn at least 240 points to pass the  TExES English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 exam. The maximum score test takers can earn is 300, and the minimum is 100. You will receive your final scores around 28 days following the day you completed the exam.

What Is the Registration Process for the Exam?

Before test takers can register, they must first be up to date on the protocols and procedures set forth by Pearson, have been given state permission to sit for the exam, and read over the official manual on how to complete the registration process.

The actual process will involve signing up for an account on the official exam website. From there, test takers may choose which exam they wish to take as well as any specific arrangements for testing, if necessary. They must then answer a few questions regarding their language competencies, how they would like to receive their scores, make their payment and, finally, pick which date they would like to take the exam.

Does the Exam Have a Specific Registration Window?

No. Test takers may register at any time they wish. The day they choose to test, however, must fall within a range of 170 days from when they completed the registration process.

Are There Registration Fees for the TExES Exam?

Yes. It costs $116.00 to register for the TExES exam. A partial refund is offered to test takers who have to cancel their exam date.

Can Test Takers Sign Up for Retakes?

Retests are available for the TexES exam. However, test takers will have to go through the registration process again.

Where Can Test Takers Find the Best Study Tools for the TExES Exam?

At Mometrix Test Preparation, we make your success our number one priority. That is why we strive to create only the most thorough study tools available—all to give you the resources you need to fully understand the ins and outs of your upcoming exams so you can perform at your absolute best.

Some of our most popular study tools include our flashcards and study guides. You may find links to these resources, crafted specifically for the TExES English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 (231) exam below.

These tools will give you a closer glimpse of the exam and its contents, so you have a clear idea of what to expect once test day arrives. Good luck!

TExES English Language Arts and REading 7-12 Study Guide and Flashcards

Get practice questions, detailed study lessons, and complex subjects broken down into easily understandable concepts.

Study Guide