0700: Agriculture
The Praxis: Agriculture exam measures the subject knowledge of junior and senior high school agriculture teachers. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within 2 hours. The test difficulty is appropriate for individuals who have finished a bachelor’s degree program in agricultural education. The test covers seven content areas: social and historical perspectives on agriculture (9-11% of the exam); plant and soil science(15-17%); animal science (15-17%); agricultural mechanization and technology(15-17%); agricultural business and economics (15-17%); natural resources and environment (9-11%); and program planning and management (15-17%).
0132: Art: Content, Traditions,Criticisms, and Aesthetics
The Praxis: Art Content,Traditions, Criticisms, and Aesthetics exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of art. The exam consists of 3 essay questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: the content of works of art (1 question); global traditions in art, architecture, and design (1 question); and criticism and aesthetics (1 question).
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0133: Art: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Art: Content Knowledge exam measures the training of prospective teachers of art. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within 2 hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: traditions in art, architecture, design, and the making of artifacts (36%); art criticism and aesthetics (25%); and the making of art (39%). Some of the questions may be accompanied by illustrations.
0340: Audiology
The Praxis: Audiology exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of audiology. The exam is meant to be taken by individuals who have completed a master’s or doctoral program in preparation for professional practice. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within 2 hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: basic human communication processes (26%); prevention/identification (10%); behavioral assessment/interpretation (13%); electrophysiological measurement/interpretation(8%); rehabilitative assessment (11%); rehabilitative technology (11%); rehabilitative management (11%); and professional issues, psychometrics, and research (10%).
0030: Biology and General Science
The Praxis: Biology and General Science exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of secondary school biology and/or general science. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within 2 hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: history, philosophy, and methodology of science (10%); molecular and cellular biology (15%); diversity of life, plants, and animals (17%); evolution and classical genetics (15%); ecology(13%); chemistry (10%); physics (10%); and earth and space science (10%).
0233: Biology: Content Essays
The Praxis: Biology: Content Essays exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of biology teachers in a secondary school. The exam consists of 3 essay questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: molecular and cellular biology (1 question); classical genetics and evolution (1 question); and biology and ecology (1 question).
0231: Biology: Content Knowledge, Part 1
The Praxis: Biology: Content Knowledge, Part 1 exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of biology in a secondary school. The exam consists of 75 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: basic principles of science (17%); molecular and cellular biology (16%); classical genetics and evolution (15%); diversity of life, plants, and animals (26%); ecology (13%); and science, technology, and society (13%).
0232: Biology: Content Knowledge, Part 2
The Praxis: Biology: Content Knowledge, Part 2 exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of biology in a secondary school. The exam consists of 75 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: molecular and cellular biology (21%); classical genetics and evolution (24%); diversity of life, plants, and animals (37%); and ecology (18%).
0235: Biology: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Biology: Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of biology in a secondary school. The exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: basic principles of science (8%); molecular and cellular biology (25%); classical genetics and evolution (15%); diversity of life, plants, and animals (30%); ecology (15%); and science, technology, and society (7%).
0100: Business Education
The Praxis: Business Education exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of business at the high school level. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: United States economic systems (10%); money management (14%);business and environment (11%); professional business education (20%); processing information (17%); office procedures and management, communications, and employability skills (14%); and accounting and marketing (14%).Calculators are allowed during the exam, provided they do not have a QWERTY keyboard.
0070: Chemistry, Physics, and General Science
The Praxis: Chemistry, Physics, and General Science exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of chemistry, physics, and/or general science at the junior or senior high school level. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: major ideas of chemistry and physics (20%); chemistry (30%); physics (30%); earth and space science (10%); and life science (10%).
0241: Chemistry: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Chemistry: Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of chemistry in a secondary school. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: atomic structure, chemical periodicity, and thermodynamics of chemical reactions (24%); nomenclature, the mole, bonding, and geometry (22%); solutions and solubility (26%); and chemical reactions and biochemistry (28%). Calculators are prohibited on the exam.
0242: Chemistry: Content Essays
The Praxis: Chemistry: Content Essays exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of chemistry in a secondary school. The exam is meant to be taken by individuals who have completed or almost completed a bachelor’s degree program in chemistry, with appropriate coursework in education. The exam consists of 3 essay questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: structure and property correlations (1 question);chemical reactions (1 question); and the impact of chemistry on technology and society (1 question).
0245: Chemistry: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Chemistry: Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of chemistry in a secondary school. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: matter, energy, heat, thermodynamics, and thermochemistry (16%); atomic and nuclear structure (10%); nomenclature, the mole, chemical bonding, and geometry (14%); periodicity, reactivity, chemical reactions, biochemistry, and organic chemistry (23%); solutions, solubility, and acid/base chemistry (12%); history and nature of science, science and technology, science and social perspectives (11%); and mathematics, measurement,data management, laboratory procedures, and safety (14%). Calculators are prohibited during the exam.
0087: Citizenship Education: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Citizenship Education:Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of citizenship education in a secondary school. The exam consists of 115 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: United States history (25%); world history (25%); government, civics, and political science(18%); geography (16%); and economics (16%).
0571: Earth and Space Sciences:Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of Earth and space sciences in a secondary school. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: basic scientific principles of Earth and space sciences (8-12%); tectonics and internal Earth processes (18-22%); Earth materials and surface processes(23-27%); history of the Earth and its life-forms (13-17%); Earth’s atmosphere and hydrosphere (18-22%); and astronomy (8-12%).
0910: Economics
The Praxis: Economics exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of economics in a secondary school. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. The content of the exam can be divided into four main section, two of microeconomics and two of macroeconomics.The first microeconomics section comprises 20-30% of the exam and includes scarcity, choice and opportunity costs, economic systems, comparative advantage and trade, supply and demand, elasticity, market efficiency, market failures, and public policy. The second microeconomics section comprises 25-35% of the exam and includes production and cost, product markets and behavior of firms, factor markets, and income distribution. The first macroeconomics section comprises 10-20% of the exam and includes measures of economic performance, national income accounting, unemployment, inflation, and business cycle. The second macroeconomics section comprises 25-30% of the exam and includes national income determination, fiscal policy, money and banking,monetary policy, international finance and investment, and economic growth.
0041: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Content Knowledge measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of English in a secondary school. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within 2 hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: reading and understanding text (55%); language and linguistics (15%); and composition and rhetoric (30%).
0042: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Essays
The Praxis: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Essays measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of English in a secondary school. The exam consists of 4 essay questions, and must be completed within two hours. One question requires the interpretation of a piece of poetry; one question requires the interpretation of poetry; one question requires the evaluation of an argument concerning some aspect of English language or literature; and one question requires a well-supported argument on some issue in English language or literature.
0043: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Pedagogy
The Praxis: English Language, Literature, and Composition: Pedagogy exam measures the subject knowledge and ability to assess writing of prospective teachers of English in a secondary school. The exam consists of 2 constructed-response questions, and must be completed within one hour. The first question requires the candidate to select a work of literature and indicate the following: two features of the work that are central to teaching it; two obstacles to understanding that students might encounter; and two instructional activities that could be useful.The second question requires the candidate to read and assess a piece of student writing.
0012: Elementary Education: Content Area Exercises
The Praxis: Elementary Education:Content Area Exercises exam measures the ability of prospective teachers of elementary grades to comment thoughtfully on issues of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The exam consists of 4 essays, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: reading and language arts; mathematics; science and social studies; and interdisciplinary instruction.
0014: Elementary Education: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Elementary Education:Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of elementary grades. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: language arts (25%); mathematics (25%); social studies (25%); and science (25%). Scientific or four-function calculators can be used during the exam.
0011: Elementary Education:Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
The Praxis: Elementary Education:Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment exam measures the pedagogic knowledge of prospective teachers of elementary grades. The exam consists of 110 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions pertain to curriculum, instruction, and assessment in the following content areas: reading and language arts (35%); mathematics (20%);science (10%); social studies (10%); arts and physical education (10%); and general information (15%).
0016: Elementary Education:Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (K-5)
The Praxis: Elementary Education:Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (K-5) exam measures the pedagogic knowledge of prospective teachers of kindergarten through fifth grade. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions pertain to curriculum, instruction, and assessment issues in the following content areas: reading and language arts (35%);mathematics (20%); science (10%); social studies (10%); arts and physical education (10%); and general information (15%).
0511: Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Fundamental Subjects:Content Knowledge exam measures the general knowledge prospective teachers.The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: English and language arts (25%); mathematics (25%); citizenship and social science(25%); and science (25%). Nonprogrammable four-function calculators are permitted during the exam.
0067: General Mathematics
The Praxis: General Mathematics exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of general mathematics. The exam consists of 1220 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: mathematical concepts and basic skills (30%); geometry and measurement (22%); probability, statistics, and applied mathematics (14%); algebra I (24%); and exceptionalities in the mathematics program (10%).
0431: General Science: Content Knowledge, Part 1
The Praxis: General Science, Part 1 exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of general science in a secondary school. The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: methodology/philosophy, math/measurement/data, and laboratory safety (23%); basic principles of science (23%); life science (22%); and Earth/space science, science and technology, and science and society (32%).
0432: General Science: Content Knowledge, Part 2
The Praxis: General Science:Content Knowledge, Part 2 measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of general science in a secondary school. The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: physics (27%); chemistry (27%); life science (18%); and Earth/space science, science and technology, and science and society (28%).
0433: General Science: Content Essays
The Praxis: General Science:Content Essays exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of general science in a secondary school. The exam consists of 3 essay questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: fundamental concepts in physical science (1 question); fundamental concepts in life science (1 question); fundamental concepts in Earth and space science (1 question).
0435: General Science: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: General Science:Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of general science in a secondary school. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: scientific methodology,techniques, and history (10%); physical science (40%); life science (20%); Earth science (20%); and science, technology, and society (10%).
0920: Geography
The Praxis: Geography exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of geography in a secondary school. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: map and globe skills (20%); physical geography (21%); human geography (29%); and regional geography (30%).
0930: Government/Political Science
The Praxis: Government/Political Science exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of government and political science in secondary schools. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: United States Constitutional theory and development, civil rights, and landmark court decisions (12%); United States government and federal, state, and local institutions (52%); United States politics, political parties, interest groups,campaigns, elections, political participation, political socialization, and public opinion (19%); and comparative politics, government, ideologies, and public policies (17%).
0550: Health Education
The Praxis: measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of health in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: health education as a discipline (15%); promoting healthy lifestyles (30%); community health advocacy (10%); healthy relationships(20%); disease prevention (15%); and health education pedagogy (10%).
0856: Health and Physical Education:Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Health and Physical Education: Content Knowledge measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of health and physical education. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: personal health care (16%);family living and sex education (14%); community health, diseases, and disorders(12%); fundamental movements, motor development, and motor learning (18%);movement forms (19%); and fitness and exercise science (21%).
0234: Life Sciences: Pedagogy
The Praxis: Life Sciences: Pedagogy exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of biology in a secondary school. The exam consists of one 3-part essay question, and must be completed within one hour. The exam question pertains to the following pedagogical issues: content and rationale, instructional strategies, and assessment. Examinees will be given a topic for a one-week unit in a high school biology class. The examinee will then be required to determine the content of the lesson, appropriate instructional strategies for the content, and ways of assessing student learning.
0061: Mathematics: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Mathematics: Content Knowledge measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of mathematics in a secondary school. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: algebra and number theory (16%); measurement (6%);geometry (10%); trigonometry (8%); functions (16%); calculus (12%); data analysis and statistics (10-12%); probability (4-6%; matrix algebra (8-10%); and discrete mathematics (6-8%). Graphing calculators are required for the exam.
0063: Mathematics: Proofs, Models, and Problems, Part 1
The Praxis: Mathematics: Proofs,Models, and Problems, Part 1 exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of mathematics in a secondary school. The exam consists of four basic exercises (one proof, one model, and two problems), and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following process categories: mathematical problem solving; mathematical reasoning and proof;mathematical connections; mathematical representation; and the use of technology
0065: Mathematics: Pedagogy
The Praxis: Mathematics: Pedagogy measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of mathematics in secondary schools. The exam consists of 3 essay questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: planning instruction (1 question); implementing instruction (1 question); and assessing instruction (1 question). Examinees will be required to indicate the forms of instruction appropriate for a subject, the challenges posed by the subject, and the technology useful for teaching the subject.The level of mathematics in the test will not exceed first-year algebra.
0146: Middle School: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Middle School: Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge and higher-order thinking skills of prospective teachers of middle school grades. The exam consists of 120 questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: literature and language studies (25%);mathematics (25%); history and social studies (25%); and science (25%).Nonprogrammable calculators are allowed during the exam.
0049: Middle School English Language Arts
The Praxis: Middle School English Language Arts exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of English language arts at the middle school level. The exam consists of 90 multiple-choice questions and 2 constructed-response questions, and must be completed within two hours. The multiple-choice questions come from the following content areas: reading and literature (31%); language and linguistics(13%); and composition and rhetoric (31%). The two constructed-response questions, which make up 25% of the exam, pertain to literary analysis and rhetorical analysis.
0069: Middle School Mathematics
The Praxis: Middle School Mathematics exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of mathematics at the middle school level. The exam consists of 40 multiple-choice and 3 constructed-response questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: arithmetic and basic algebra (20%); geometry and measurement (17%); functions and their graphs (13%); data, probability, statistical concepts, and discrete mathematics (17%); and problem-solving constructed-response exercises (33%).
0439: Middle School Science
The Praxis: Middle School Science measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of science at the middle school level. The exam consists of 90 multiple-choice and 3 constructed-response questions, and must be completed within two hours.The multiple-choice questions come from the following content areas: scientific methodology, techniques, and history (8%); basic principles (11%); physical sciences (18%); life sciences (15%); Earth and space sciences (15%); and science, technology, and society (8%). The constructed-response questions, which make up 25% of the exam, cover the physical sciences, life sciences, and Earth and space sciences.
0089: Middle School Social Studies
The Praxis: Middle School Social Studies exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of social studies at the middle school level. The exam consists of 90 multiple-choice and 3 constructed-response questions, and must be completed within two hours. Multiple-choice questions come from the following content areas: United States history (18-20%); world history (14-16%); government/civics (11-13%); geography(11-14%); economics (10-12%); and sociology and anthropology (0-5%). The constructed-response questions, which comprise 25% of the exam, pertain to the following subjects: United States history as it pertains to government and civics; world history as it relates to geography; and either US history as it relates to economics or geography or world history as it relates to economics or government/civics.
0113: Music: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Music: Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of music in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. The exam consists of 135 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours.Forty of the questions are based on recorded excerpts of music that will be played during the exam. Exam questions come from the following content areas: music history and literature (21%); music theory (21%); performance(21%); music learning, K-12 (31%); and professional practices (6%).
0261: Physics: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Physics: Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of physics in a secondary school. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: mechanics (40%); electricity and magnetism (34%); and optics, waves, and special topics in modern physics (26%). Calculators are prohibited during the exam.
0262: Physics: Content Essays
The Praxis: Physics: Content Essays exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of physics in a secondary school. The exam consists of 3 essay questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: matter and energy (1 question); fields and waves (1 question); and science, technology, and society (1 question).
0265: Physics: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Physics: Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of physics in a secondary school. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: mechanics (32%); electricity and magnetism (23%); optics and waves (17%); heat and thermodynamics (8%); modern physics, atomic, and nuclear structure (8%); history and nature of science, science technology, and social perspectives (12%). Calculators are prohibited during the exam.
0091: Physical Education: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Physical Education:Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of physical education in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas:fundamental movements, motor development, and motor learning (24%); movement forms (24%); fitness and exercise science (19%); social science foundations(11%); biomechanics (8%); and health and safety (14%).
0481: Physical Science: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Physical Science:Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of physics and chemistry in a secondary school. The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: methodology, math,measurement, data, science and technology, and science and society (33%); laboratory procedures, laboratory safety, matter, and energy (37); and heat,thermodynamics, atomic structure, and nuclear structure (30%).Calculators are prohibited during the exam.
0483: Physical Science: Pedagogy
The Praxis: Physical Science: Pedagogy exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of physics and chemistry in a secondary school. The exam consists of one multipart essay, and must be completed within one hour. Examinees are given a topic that would be taught in a high school physics and chemistry class. Examinees must then describe appropriate instructional strategies and activities(50%), appropriate means of assessing student learning (25%), and a useful follow-up assignment (25%).
0521: Principles of Learning and Teaching: Early Childhood
The Praxis: Principles of Learning and Teaching: Early Childhood exam measures the pedagogic knowledge and skill of prospective teachers of preschool-age children. The exam consists of 12 short-answer questions and 24 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. The multiple-choice questions come from the following content areas: students as learners (11%); instruction and assessment (11%); and teacher professionalism (11%). The short-answer questions, presented after four case histories, come from the following content areas: students as learners(22%); instruction and assessment (22%); communication techniques (11%); and teacher professionalism (11%).
0522: Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades K-6
The Praxis: Principles of Learning and Teaching: K-6 exam measures the pedagogic knowledge and skill of prospective teachers of students in kindergarten through 6th grade. The exam consists of 12 short-answer questions and 24 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. The multiple-choice questions come from the following content areas: students as learners (11%); instruction and assessment(11%); and teacher professionalism (11%). The short-answer questions, presented after four case histories, come from the following content areas:students as learners (22%); instruction and assessment (22%); communication techniques (11%); and teacher professionalism (11%).
0523: Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 5-9
The Praxis: Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 5-9 exam measures the pedagogic knowledge and skill of prospective teachers of students in grades 5 through 9. The exam consists of 12 short-answer questions and 24 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. The multiple-choice questions come from the following content areas: students as learners (11%); instruction and assessment(11%); and teacher professionalism (11%). The short-answer questions, presented after four case histories, come from the following content areas:students as learners (22%); instruction and assessment (22%); communication techniques (11%); and teacher professionalism (11%).
0524: Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7-12
The Praxis: Principles of Learning and Teaching: grades 7-12 exam measures the pedagogic knowledge and skill of prospective teachers of students in grades 7 through 12. The exam consists of 12 short-answer questions and 24 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. The multiple-choice questions come from the following content areas: students as learners (11%); instruction and assessment(11%); and teacher professionalism (11%). The short-answer questions, presented after four case histories, come from the following content areas:students as learners (22%); instruction and assessment (22%); communication techniques (11%); and teacher professionalism (11%).
0300: Reading Specialist
The Praxis: Reading Specialist exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of reading in grades K-12. The exam is appropriate for individuals who have received advanced academic preparation. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: theoretical and knowledge bases of reading (18%); application of theoretical and knowledge bases of reading in instruction (45%); application of theoretical and knowledge bases of reading in diagnosis and assessment (27%); and reading leadership (10%).
0081: Social Studies: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Social Studies:Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of social studies in a secondary school. The exam consists of 130 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: United States history (22%); world history (22%); government, civics, and political science(16%); geography (15%); economics (15%); and behavioral sciences (10%).
0082: Social Studies: Analytical Essays
The Praxis: Social Studies: Analytical Essays exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of social studies in a secondary school. The exam consists of two essay questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: United States history or contemporary issues, and world history or contemporary issues.
0083: Social Studies: Interpretation of Materials
The Praxis: Social Studies:Interpretation of Materials exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of social studies in a secondary school. The exam consists of 5 two-part essay questions, and must be completed within one hour. Each question will require a brief identification and comprehension section, as well as a brief interpretation and application section. The exam will have one question from each of the following content areas: United States history; world history; government and civics; geography; and economics.
0084: Social Studies: Pedagogy
The Praxis: Social Studies: Pedagogy exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of social studies in a secondary school. The exam consists of 2 five-part questions,based on case studies. The exam must be completed within one hour.The first part will give a topic for a two-week social studies unit, for which the examinee will be required to provide metaphors, analogies, historical parallels, and questions for class discussion. The second part of the exam will give a topic for a single-period social science unit, for which the examinee will be required to provide a lesson, objective, teaching strategy, and evaluation strategy.
0085: Social Studies: Interpretation and Analysis
The Praxis: measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of social studies in a secondary school.The exam consists of five short-answer questions and two essay questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: United States and world history (20%); social science, government, geography, and economics(30%); social studies analysis of the United States (25%); and social studies analysis of world history (25%).
0950: Sociology
The Praxis: Sociology exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of sociology in a secondary school. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: sociological perspectives and methods of inquiry (20%);socialization, social interaction, and social disintegration (25%); culture(15%); social structure, urbanization, industrialization, and demography (25%); and social stratification (15%).
0321: Special Education: Teaching Students with Mental Retardation
The Praxis : Special Education:Teaching Students with Mental Retardation exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of students with mental retardation, at any grade level from preschool through grade 12. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: factors other than direct instruction that influence the education of students with mental retardation (23%); and delivery of services to students with mental retardation (77%).
0351: Special Education:Knowledge-based Core Principles
The Praxis: Special Education:Knowledge-based Core Principles exam measures the pedagogic knowledge of prospective teachers of special education at any grade level, from preschool to grade 12. The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: understanding exceptionalities (25%); legal and societal issues (13%); and delivery of service to students with disabilities (62%).
0352: Special Education: Application of Core Principles across Categories of Disabilities
The Praxis: Special Education: Application of Core Principles across Categories of Disabilities measures the subject and pedagogic knowledge of prospective teachers of special education classes in any grade from preschool through grade 12. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: curriculum (20%); instruction(20%); assessment (20%); managing the learning environment (20%); and professional roles, issues, and literature (20%).
0353: Special Education: Core Principles Content Knowledge
The Praxis: Special Education:Core Principles Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of special education from kindergarten through grade 12.The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: understanding exceptionalities (25-30%); legal and societal issues (15-20%); and delivery of services to students with disabilities (50-60%).
0371: Teaching Students with Behavioral Disorders/Emotional Disturbance
The Praxis: Teaching Students with Behavioral Disorders/Emotional Disturbance exam measures the pedagogic knowledge of prospective teachers of students with disruptive behavioral and/or emotional problems from preschool through grade 12. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: factors other than direct instruction that influence the behavior of students with behavioral disorders/emotional disturbance (20%); delivery of services to students with behavioral disorders/emotional disturbance (80%).
0381: Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities
The Praxis: Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities exam measures the pedagogic knowledge of prospective teachers of students with learning disabilities in preschool through grade 12.The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within one hour. Exam questions come from the following content areas: factors other than direct instruction that influence the education of students with learning disabilities (20%); delivery of services (30%); and curriculum and instruction (50%).
0690: Special Education: Preschool/Early Childhood
The Praxis: Special Education: Preschool/Early Childhood exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of special education in prekindergarten through first grade. The exam consists of 110 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: human growth and development (15%); knowledge of disabling conditions (11%); evaluation, assessment, and eligibility criteria (15%); planning and service delivery (15%);family and community aspects (19%); and professional practice (25%).
0890: Vocational General Knowledge
The Praxis: Vocational General Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of vocational education. This exam is meant to be taken by individuals who have completed a bachelor’s degree in vocational education. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: social studies (32%); mathematics (36%); and science (32%).
0940: World and United States History
The Praxis: World and United States History exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of world and United States history in a secondary school. The exam consists of 130 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: ancient and non-Western civilizations (13%); Western civilization (27%); US history through 1828 (20%); US history 1828-1914 (15%); and US history 1914 to the present (25%).
0941: World and US History: Content Knowledge
The Praxis: World and US History:Content Knowledge exam measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of world and United States history in secondary schools. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: world history. prehistory to 1400 CE (20%); world history, 1400 to 1914 (18%); world history, 1914 to the present (12%); US history to 1791 (15%); US history, 1791 to 1877 (15%); and US history, 1877 to the present (20%).