MoGEA Practice Test Review

The Missouri General Education Assessment, or MoGEA, will consist of four subtests that measure Reading Comprehension and Interpretation, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, and Writing skills.

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These tests are used to assist education programs at various colleges and universities in the state of Missouri in deciding which applicants to accept in their respective programs. Any aspirant teachers that want to have a successful career in the state of Missouri will need to do well on this assessment in order to be accepted into a college program, and gain a beneficial education.

The Reading Comprehension and Interpretation, Mathematics, and Science and Social Studies subtests are entirely made up of multiple-choice questions, while the Written test will only be one written assignment.

Each test will be an internet-based test, or IBT, that can be taken at various locations within the state of Missouri. Prospective test-takers can register for the MoGEA on the MoGEA website.

The Missouri General Education Assessment is offered throughout the year; however, it is a first-come, first-served basis for the testing slots. The test-taker can find available dates within the registration process. It would be beneficial to register early to ensure that the test-taker can be placed within a time slot of their choosing.

The test can be taken as a whole or the test-taker can choose to take each subtest individually. The test will be in English; however, if the test-taker needs extra time due to a language barrier, disability, or other reason, they can fill out the request form, found on the MoGEA website, to extend the time allotted to take the test. The request form will need to be submitted at the same time as the test-taker’s registration.

MoGEA Practice Tests

Reading Comprehension and Interpretation

The Missouri General Education Assessment Reading Comprehension and Interpretation test consists of 39 multiple-choice questions that will primarily concentrate on three main topics. These topics are as follows:

  • Literal Comprehension, which will make up 33 percent of this section of the test
  • Inference and Interpretation, which will make up 33 percent of the section
  • Critical Reasoning and Evaluation, which will make up the remaining 34 percent

When taking this portion of the MoGEA, you will have up to 75 minutes to complete the section.


The Missouri General Education Assessment Mathematics test will consist of 40 multiple-choice questions that will primarily concentrate on three main topics. These topics are as follows:

  • Numbers and Algebra, which will make up 50 percent of this section of the test
  • Geometry and Measurements, which will make up 25 percent of the section
  • Statistics and Data Analysis, which will make up the remaining 25 percent

When taking this portion of the MoGEA, you will have up to 75 minutes to complete the section.

Science and Social Studies

The Missouri General Education Assessment Science and Social Studies test will consist of 40 multiple-choice questions that will primarily concentrate on four main topics. These topics are as follows:

  • Fundamental Scientific Concepts, which will make up 25 percent of this section of the test
  • Science Inquiry and Literacy Skills, which will make up 25 percent of the section
  • Fundamental Social Studies Concepts, which will make up 25 percent of the section
  • Social Studies Inquiry and Literacy Skills, which will make up the remaining 25 percent

When taking this portion of the MoGEA, you will have up to 60 minutes to complete the section.


The Missouri General Education Assessment Writing test will consist of one written composition that will primarily concentrate on one main topic. This topic is as follows:

  • Producing a clear and coherent written composition in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience

When taking this portion of the MoGEA, you will have up to 60 minutes to complete the section.


There is not a specific passing score for the MoGEA; however, each education program has its own passing score that it requires prospective students to obtain. The one requirement that is mentioned by the makers of the MoGEA is that each program must have a passing score for each subtest of the MoGEA. If the test-taker fails to meet the expected score of the program they wish to enter, retesting is an option. To retest the test-taker must wait 30 days before being allowed to take the test again. Similar to taking the test the first time, the test-taker will have the option to either take all the subtests at once or to take each subtest separately. Whenever the test-taker wishes to retest, they must fill out the registration form once again.

Registration and Fees

The fees for the MoGEA exams tests are $25 each, when taken individually. Registering for two of the exams costs $50, three of the exams would cost $75; however, if the test-taker registers for all four it will cost $49 (and when registering for multiple exams, they all must be taken at the same time). Cancelling a registration is allowed and 100 percent of the test fees will be refunded if the cancellation is made at least 24 hours prior to the test date. During registration, test-takers can select up to as many institutions as they wish to receive a score report for free.

Whenever the test-taker registers for the MoGEA, they will be asked to agree to the specific rules and policies designed by the test-makers. These policies can be found on the MoGEA website. If the test-taker does not adhere to these specific rules and policies, the testing company reserves the right to invalidate the test-taker’s scores. The test administrator reserves the same right if the test-taker does not adhere to the rules established by the administrator on test day.

Hopefully this article was able to provide you with a better understanding of the Missouri General Education Assessment, and allow you to become better prepared for your exam. For further instruction and access to materials such as study guides, flashcards, and practice tests please visit


Do I have to pass all four sections of the Missouri Educator Gateway Assessment to pass the exam?

Candidates must pass the first three sections (the fourth section is optional).

When can I take the exam?

The test is available year-round by appointment. Candidates can check availability during test registration.

What’s the test time for this subtest?

Test-takers have 75 minutes to finish the math subtest.

What is the test’s passing score?

Individual educator prep program set the subtest passing scores so candidates should consult with their program.

I’ve completed my exam. When can I expect to receive my test scores?

Candidates will have access to their scores roughly two to six weeks after they take the exam.

Do I need to bring identification on test day?

Yes. You’ll need a driver’s license, passport, or another acceptable form of government-issued identification.  

Can I bring my mobile phone into the test room?

No. Candidates are not allowed to bring personal items into the test room. The test center rules contain the entire list of prohibited items, but they include mobile phones, all electronic devices, calculators, and certain items of clothing.

This sounds like a difficult test. What are the best study materials I can get?

Mometrix has outstanding study materials that can help you prepare for the Missouri Educator Gateway Assessment. Our guide has been written by professionals in the test-taking field. Our study guide’s helpful information includes a study guide, tips on tackling test anxiety, and how to phrase in study aids and practice tests.

Our flashcards are the perfect portable study tool that helps you quickly solve difficult questions. You can also ask family and friends to help grill you on exam topics. These are the tools you need to help you prepare.

MoGEA Study Guide

Explore our free MoGEA review provided by Mometrix. Check out our premium MoGEA study guide to take your studying to the next level. If you benefit from these materials, just click the link below! To compliment our MoGEA book, we also offer extensive MoGEA flashcards for even more MoGEA test prep help. We hope you enjoy our products! Your purchase helps us make more great, free content for test-takers just like yourself.