People under 18 who want to get their driver’s licenses in Mississippi should know a few things about the process before they begin. Mississippi, like an increasing number of states in the United States, uses a graduated driver license system. This system states that before minors can receive their full driver’s license, they must apply for licenses that come with certain restrictions. Over time, if no accidents or violations have been added to the minor’s record, all the requirements have been fulfilled, and all the tests are passed, then the restrictions will be lifted.
It is possible to get a Learner’s Permit in Mississippi at 14. If you are enrolled in a driver’s education course, you can be eligible to receive one; however, the restrictions are severely limiting. In fact, 14 year olds with a Permit are only allowed to drive a vehicle with a driving instructor in the car. Driving under parental supervision is prohibited until you turn 15.
Once you turn 15, you will be required to reapply for the 15-year permit. The 15-year permit will allow driving under parental supervision, enabling you to practice and acquire the expertise needed to pass the driving test. In other words, minors who get 14-year permits do not have any long-term advantage over others who wait to apply for the 15-year permit; although the 14-year permit does allow you to take a driver education course earlier than you would otherwise be able to take one.
In order to apply for either permit, you will need to bring a few documents to a nearby Department of Public Safety office. The application must also be signed by both parents, which can be done in front of a notary or at the DPS office. You can find a link to a listing of local offices at the end of this web page. The documents you will need with you are as follows:
- Social security card
- Birth certificate
- Signed Certification of School Attendance form (must be signed within 30 days of application-ask school officials for this form)
In addition, applicants need to pass two examinations-the eye exam and the written exam. The eye exam certifies that your eyesight is sufficient for driving. Individuals may be restricted to the use of glasses or contacts when on the road, but will still pass the test. The written exam is multiple choice, and its content is taken from the Mississippi Driver’s Manual. If not taking a driver’s education course, then it is likely you will need to read the entire manual. It is also advisable to study the traffic laws, particularly the ones that seem less intuitive or familiar. (Find the link to the Manual at the end of this page.)
After you drive with the Learner’s Permit for one year, you can apply for an Intermediate License, class Y. Bringing in the same documentation that you did for the permit, you will be asked to take the driving test in order to qualify for the license. If successful, you will be able to drive unsupervised from 6 in the morning until 10 at night.
Six months later, you can upgrade to a Regular, Under 18, Class R Driver’s License, which allows driving at any hour. At 18, the driver’s license becomes a Regular Operator’s License.