Respiratory Disorders Practice Test

…of the following pathogens except: Pseudomonas aeruginosa Haemophilus influenzae Staphylococcus aureus Candida albicans 17. All of the following are true about acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) except: It generally arises…

Respiratory Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) Practice Exam

…Ventilation (15 questions) Administer Medications and Specialty Gases (4 questions) Ensure Modifications are Made to the Respiratory Care Plan (18 questions) Utilize Evidence-Based Practice (6 questions) Provide Respiratory Care in…

Respiration Practice Test

1. Which of the following conditions correlate with the following information: High pH High HCO3 High BE Neutral pCO2 Respiratory alkalosis Respiratory acidosis Metabolic acidosis Metabolic alkalosis 2. Which of…

Advanced EMT Practice Test

…the exam Evaluation of airway patency, breathing, and ventilation Techniques for assessing respiratory rate, rhythm, and effort Use of tools such as pulse oximetry and capnography Respiratory disorders Physiological effects…

CMC Practice Test

…exam Cardiac procedures Vascular interventions Cardiovascular pharmacology Electrophysiologic interventions Respiratory Renal Multisystem 4. Monitoring and Diagnostics 16% of the exam Cardiovascular Respiratory How to Register Once you’ve ensured that you…

Cardiac Surgery Certification (CSC) Practice Test

…the exam Cardiovascular Respiratory Pharmacology Neurology Renal Hematology/immunology Standards of care 4. MONITORING AND DIAGNOSTICS 13% of the exam Cardiovascular Neurology Respiratory How to Register Once you’ve ensured that you…

Pharmacology Practice Test

…blood flow to the brain. Decreased respiratory function 7. Which of the following is not an effect of the drug (Midazolam)? Amnesia Decreased respiratory function Anesthetic Dizziness 8. Which of…

Neurological Disorders Practice Test Questions

…nerve. 5. D Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease that often follows a respiratory or gastrointestinal viral illness. It also may occur following surgery or immunization. There is no…

NASM CPT Practice Test

…lifestyle questionnaire Cardiorespiratory assessments Physiological assessments relevant to CPTs Kinetic chain checkpoints Applicability of assessments from other health professionals Body composition assessments and calculations Static postural assessment Performance and movement…

ILTS Physical Education Practice Test

…in the following areas: Physiology concepts related to physical activity and health Components of health-related fitness Maintaining healthy levels of cardiorespiratory endurance Maintaining muscle strength and endurance Principles of nutrition…

Reproduction Practice Questions

…an associated change during the antepartum period? Increased urination frequency Increased respiratory requirements Decreased basal metabolic rate Goodell’s sign 5. Which of the following matches the definition: abnormal placenta development…

Maternal Newborn Nursing Practice Test

…Mood and substance use disorders 5. NEWBORN COMPLICATIONS 24% of the exam Respiratory Genetic Endocrine Hematologic Neurological Cardiovascular Gastrointestinal Metabolic How to Register Once you’ve ensured that you meet all…

HESI A2 Practice Test

…Practice Test ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 30 questions General Terminology Histology Mitosis and Meiosis Skin Skeletal System Muscular System Nervous System Endocrine System Circulatory System Respiratory System Digestive System Urinary System…

Adult CCRN Practice Test

…Judgment 80% of the exam Cardiovascular Respiratory Endocrine, Hematology, Gastrointestinal, Renal, and Integumentary Musculoskeletal, Neurological, and Psychosocial Multisystem 2. Professional Caring and Ethical Practice 20% of the exam Advocacy and…

Low Risk Neonatal Nursing Practice Test

…the exam Maternal risk factors and birth history Physical and gestational age assessment Lab and diagnostic data 2. Assessment and Management of Pathophysiologic Conditions 37% of the exam Cardiovascular Respiratory

NCSF-CPT Practice Test

…Energy systems Muscle physiology Cardiovascular physiology Respiratory physiology Neuromuscular adaptations 3. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL FITNESS 11% of the exam The questions in this section likely cover the following topics: Components…

EMT Practice Test

…stopped. Let’s take a closer look at the different sections of the EMT exam. AIRWAY, RESPIRATION & VENTILATION 18%-22% of the exam This section focuses on airway management, respiratory emergencies,…

CHPN Practice Exam

…to severity and specific type of pain 3. PATIENT CARE – SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT 28 scored questions Respiratory Genitourinary Musculoskeletal Skin and mucous membrane Neurological Gastrointestinal Cardiovascular Psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual…

Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Practice Test

…feeding Oxygenation, ventilation and acid base homeostasis Thermoregulation and integumentary Pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Neuroprotective and neurodevelopmental care 3. Assess and Manage Pathophysiologic States 44% of the exam Cardiovascular Respiratory

Respiration Practice Questions 2

…reserve volume Vital capacity 9. The respiratory center is located in the ____ and ______. Midbrain and pons Pons and Medulla oblongata Midbrain and Medulla oblongata Pons and Hypothalamus  …

Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Practice Test

…of the exam Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Common drug therapies 4. Embryology, Physiology, Pathophysiology and Systems Management 54% of the exam Cardiac Respiratory Gastrointestinal Renal/genitourinary Metabolic/endocrine Hematopoietic Infectious diseases Musculoskeletal Integumentary…

PCCN Practice Test

…of the exam Cardiovascular (20%) Respiratory (14%) Neurology (7%) Gastrointestinal (7%) Musculoskeletal (2%) Endocrine (6%) Hematology/Immunology/Oncology (3%) Renal (4%) Multisystem (15%) Behavioral/Psychosocial (3%) 2. PROFESSIONAL CARING AND ETHICAL PRACTICE 20%…

CEN Practice Exam

…on the CEN exam: Cardiovascular Emergencies (19 questions) Respiratory Emergencies (18 questions) Neurological Emergencies (18 questions) Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, Gynecology, and Obstetrical (18 questions) Mental Health Emergencies (11 questions) Medical Emergencies…

CRNA Practice Questions

…anesthetics Light, moderate, and deep sedation Pain Total intravenous anesthesia Enhanced recovery after surgery Hypotensive technique and risks Post-anesthesia care Respiratory therapy Intraoperative fire safety 5. ANESTHESIA FOR SURGICAL PROCEDURES…

HESI A2 Anatomy & Physiology Practice Test

…System Endocrine System Circulatory System Respiratory System Digestive System Urinary System Reproductive System Other HESI A2 Practice Tests Subject-Specific Practice Tests If you need some extra practice in a another…

NAECB Test Review

…or licensed health professionals that NAECB currently accepts as eligible for the NAECB exam include health educators, nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physical therapists, physicians, physician assistants, pulmonary function technologists, respiratory

CEN Test Breakdown

…questions) Respiratory Emergencies (18 questions) Neurological Emergencies (18 questions) Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, Gynecology, and Obstetrical (18 questions) Mental Health Emergencies (11 questions) Medical Emergencies (14 questions) Musculoskeletal and Wound Emergencies (13…

CCRN Neonatal Practice Test

…you’re free to take restroom breaks as needed. Let’s take a closer look at the two sections of the exam. 1. Clinical Judgment 80% of the exam Cardiovascular Respiratory Endocrine,…

Pediatric CCRN Practice Test

…you’re free to take restroom breaks as needed. Let’s take a closer look at the two sections of the exam. 1. Clinical Judgment 80% of the exam Cardiovascular Respiratory Endocrine,…

ATI TEAS 7 Science Practice Test

…following systems: Respiratory system Cardiovascular system Digestive system Nervous system Muscular system Male and female reproductive systems Integumentary system Endocrine system Urinary system Immune system Skeletal system Biology 9 scored…

Endocrine Disorders Practice Questions

…16. The most common causes of death in people with cystic fibrosis is: Dehydration Opportunistic infection Lung cancer Respiratory failure 17. Untreated hyperthyroidism during pregnancy may result in all of…

Neuroanatomy Quiz

…nerves can be directly linked to respiratory and cardiac dysfunction? IV VII X XI 5. Which of the following cranial nerves can be directly linked to ptosis? III IV V…

CPFT Practice Test

…(or higher) from an entry into practice respiratory therapy education program You need to be a CRT or RRT credentialed by the NBRC You need at least 62 semester hours…

NCLEX Practice Questions

…nurse most closely monitor for during acute management of this patient? Onset of pulmonary edema Metabolic alkalosis Respiratory alkalosis Parkinson’s disease type symptoms 11. A fifty-year-old blind and deaf patient…

What Is The Certified Polysomnographic Technician Exam?

…areas include: Sleep physiology Respiratory Physiology Cardiac Physiology Sleep apnea and diagnostic criteria Adult and periodic testing procedures for sleep apnea Practice parameters for sleep apnea Scoring rules Electroencephalogram (EEG)…

OHST Practice Test

…terminology Lighting requirements for job tasks Occupational illnesses Occupational injuries Principles of medical surveillance and their relevance to health hazards Respiratory hazards and controls Sampling equipment, applications, and limitations Stress-related…

Medical Technology

…Certified Phlebotomy TechnicianNuclear MedicineOrthopaedic Technologist ExamPTCB Practice ExamPatient Care Technician ExamPhlebotomy ExamRHITRMARadiation Health and Safety Practice TestRadiographyRegistered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) ExaminationRespiratory Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC – RRT – CRT)VTNE Practice Exam…

Syndrome Practice Test

Free Practice Questions About Disorders Psychiatric Disorders Cardiac Disorders Diabetes Digestive Disorders Endocrine Disorders Neurological Disorders Nutrition Respiratory Disorders 1. Which of the following syndromes corresponds to: A failure of…